Tips to easily care for and improve your eyesight

Nowadays, many people are starting to develop or have vision problems between the ages of 30 and 50, especially because they have bad habits in their personal and daily lives.
Likewise, because of the constant exposure to screens of technological devices such as computers and cell phones, and at the same time, other factors such as artificial lights and sunlight.
It is clear that you can protect your visual function with the use of glasses or contact lenses formulated by the specialists in visual health, however, Dr. Alexander Maximiliano Martínez Blanco, ophthalmologist, shares the following tips for you to help prevent difficulties with your visual health and improve your vision:

Have good eating habits

Good eating and nutrition habits are very important for your vision care. There are many foods such as fruits, vegetables and fish that are rich in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals that are healthy for your vision and strengthen your eyes.

Exercise your eyes

Eye exercises are excellent for strengthening eye muscles. To start, you can do eye movement exercises such as looking from right to left and circular movements from 3 to 5 times in a row to energize your eyeball. Keep in mind that these exercises are best done in the morning, because sometimes when you wake up your eyes feel tired and this besides strengthening them also will give you energy.

Rest your eyes

Close your eyes for a few minutes several times a day. This is important to do when you spend hours reading, in front of your cell phone, computer or television screen because when you close your eyes you will be refreshing them and no matter how simple this looks, this exercise will protect your eyes from excessive effort and fatigue. Furthermore, it is important to take 20-second breaks every 20 minutes for visually demanding activities such as reading.

Avoid smoking

Smoking is not good for your health in general and in relation to your eyes, this bad habit can be very harmful to your eyesight because it increases the chances of developing cataracts, causes degeneration over time and contributes to blindness.
If you are an active smoker or if some of your family members are, we recommend that you get regular check-ups to avoid complications with your eyesight in the future. If you want to visit an ophthalmologist in Cali, Colombia, you can schedule your appointment here and if you are in another country, we invite you to contact your ophthalmologist.

Get regular eye exams

Visiting the ophthalmologist on time is essential because it helps diagnose and prevent vision problems in advance that can become serious over time. So don’t wait until you have problems with your eyesight to get them checked, as the good news is that the vast majority of these can be corrected when they are detected early.
Keep in mind that age is not a factor to start taking care of yourself and that it is not necessary to wait until you have difficulties with your vision to protect your eyes. All you have to do is start having good habits that will help you improve your lifestyle in terms of health, nutrition and well-being. Finally, don’t forget to get regular eye exams so you can always have your eyes and vision in the best condition.
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