Who is Dr. Martinez Blanco?
Dr. Alexander Maximiliano Martínez Blanco is a well-known Specialist in Ophthalmology with more than 10 years of experience in medical institutions such as the University Hospital of Valle, Institute for Blind and Deaf Children of Valle del Cauca, OftalmoSanitas Cali, Clínica Sigma, Fundación oftalmológica de Nariño-FUNDONAR (Pasto) and Clínica Imbanaco, where he currently provides consultation.
He graduated from the Universidad del Valle (UNIVALLE) as a Physician and Surgeon, then completed the specialty in Ophthalmology in a 4-year program and finally completed a Master in Epidemiology, both endorsed by the previous institution.
He is an expert in Cataract Surgery, Laser Refractive Surgery, Dry Eye, Intraocular Lenses, Pterygium, Glaucoma Prevention, among other procedures. For several years he was a member of the Editorial Committee of the Editorial Committee of the Journal of the Colombian Society of Ophthalmology. LIkewise, he is an academic peer of the Ministry of Education and Colciencias, and has scientific publications in national and international journals on subjects related to his field of expertise. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor at the Universidad del Valle (UNIVALLE) and a Certified Researcher in Good Clinical Practices and has participated in several Multicentric Studies with International pharmaceutical companies
Thanks to this, Dr. Martinez Blanco is an outstanding specialist in Ophthalmology in Cali, Colombia. He was also awarded as one of the 50 best doctors in Colombia in the Top Doctors Awards 2018.
Academic Studies
Universidad del valle 2002
Physician and Surgeon’s Degree
Universidad del valle 2009
Medical specialization in ophthalmology
Universidad del valle 2011
Master’s Degree in Epidemiology
Complementary education in ophthalmology
Dr. Jaime velasquez O’byrne
Clínica de oftalmología Cali
Cataract surgery rotation with topical anesthesia
Dr. Sheri Rowen
Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, MD
Assistant Professor at Universidad del Valle / Ophthalmology (2011-present)
Head of the Ophthalmology Program at Universidad del Valle (2019-present)
Academic Peer of Colciencias and the Ministry of Education (2018-present)
Member of the editorial committee of the journal of the Colombian society of ophthalmology.
Junior Researcher
Director of Vision and Eye Health Research Group – VISOC
Universidad del Valle
Clinical and academic research
- Clinic: multi-center clinical trials with Allergan, Novartis, Santen and Merck
- Academic: St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Tecnoquimicas, Universidad del Valle among others.
International courses
Harvard University through edX
Año 2013
Introduction to Cataract Surgery
University of Michigan
Año 2020
Introduction to Systematic Review and MetaAnalysis
Johns Hopkins University
Año 2020

Artritis Reumatoide Temprana: Resultados Clínicos y Funcionales de una Cohorte en un Centro de Alta Complejidad. Cali, Colombia | Revista: Rev.Colomb.Reumatol. [online]. | Fecha: 2016, vol.23, n.3, pp.148-154. |
Síndrome de Vogt Koyanagi Harada | Revista: Rev. Soc Col Oft | Fecha: 2013; 46(2):85 |
Causas de Evisceración Ocular en una Institución del Sur-Occidente Colombiano 2007- 2010 | Revista: Rev. Soc Col Oft | Fecha: 2011; 44 |
Necrosis Retinal Aguda Vs Necrosis Retinal Externa Progresiva: Reporte de Caso y Revisión de la Literatura | Revista: Rev. Sociedad Colombiana de Oftalmología | Fecha: 2015, Vol. 48 (4): 361 – 373 |
Quemaduras Oculares en un Centro de Referencia Oftalmológica de Santiago de Cali, Colombia | Revista: Colomb Med | Fecha: 2008; 39: 210-8 |
Low-level expression of SOD1 in peripheral blood samples of patients diagnosed with primary open-angle glaucoma | Revista: Biomark Med | Fecha: 2016 Dec;10(12):1218-1223 |
Blood pressure, ocular perfusion pressure and open-angle glaucoma in patients with systemic hypertension | Revista: Clin Ophthalmol | Fecha: 2018;12:1511-1517 |
International prospective observational cohort study of Zika in infants and pregnancy (ZIP study): study protocol. | Revista: BMC Pregnancy Childbirth | Fecha: 2019; 19: 282. |

Contact the ophthalmology specialist in Cali
Tower B, Office 506 - Clínica Imbanaco
Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia
Management: dr.martinez.dir@gmail.com
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